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Hammersmith Hospital


The Managing Director of Evolutions, Simon Kanjee, had the idea to make several informative videos for cancer patients, but made by patients instead of doctors. He wanted patients who would watch these videos to feel like someone they knew was talking to them, as if it was a friendly chat instead of a doctor talking facts. He wanted to invite former cancer patients to talk about their experiences and turn these conversations into short videos.
Nele was chosen from a group of employees at Evolutions who all showed interest in working on this project to direct the videos. She was involved with the preproduction and postproduction as well.

Let's Be Ready (2014)


Let's Be Ready is a short documentary filmed in Guatemala during the first year Nele Mertens attended college at UM that went through post-production during her second year. Nele Mertens and three other UM students had only one week to find a story, do research and eventually go out with a camera and sound equipment to make their documentary.
Early on they decided to focus on a native Mayan woman called Nora, who had taken great efforts to improve the educational system in her village and surrounding villages. In Guatemala, many children who skip preschool are not able to keep up in elementary school and are subsequently taken out of school by their parents to help at home and in the fields. By focusing on building and maintaining preschools, Nora gave many children a better chance at succeeding in elementary school and, therefore, a chance to a better future.
This is the full short documentary Let's Be Ready.

Director: Nele Mertens

Producer: Amanda Quintos

Director of Photography: Xiuhe Zhang

Editor: Nele Mertens and Barbara Garofalo



Nora Mehida Tun Bacajol

Fred Zambroski

Sara Tun Bacajol

Lucy Diaz

Carolina Sanjay Diego

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